Make Contact
Contact Vernon at +2776 078 3272 (W/App) or
with the following Information:
• Full Name/s of Person/s who will be attending.
• Session Date being Booked for.
• A valid Email Address for the Session Link & Password.
• Proof of Payment.
Make Payment
Banking Details: The CrissCross Studio cc
FNB Somerset Mall | Cheque/Business Acc.
6213 2489 651
Ref. No.: ToonSchooler’s Full Name & Date Booked for.
E.g., Clark Kent + Date / Month / Term1
• Send Payment Notification to secure the Booking.
Receive Link & Password
• Bookings Close at 20:00 CAT the Evening before each Session.
• The Link & Password to the Zoom Sessions are Emailed on Wednesday and
Friday Evenings, respectively.
• Links will only be sent once full Payment reflects in The CrissCross Studio’s
Bank or PayPal Account.
Follow the Link
Join the ToonSchool Session by Clicking on the Link and following the Instructions until you see Faces.
As I am unable to Respond to Messages once the Session has Commenced, it would be advisable to Log On before the Session begins in order to sort out any potential Technological Conundrums. The Waiting Room usually Opens a Quarter to the Hour.
I look forward to meeting both you and your Talent.
May the Creative Force be with you!